Best Chin in MMA history?
What is the coolest looking move in Muay Thai?
What instantly ruins a sandwich?
The most dominant performance by a contender in a title fight. What’s yours?
Everyone’s favorite Muay Thai shorts brand?
Who is your celebrity crush?
What makes you good in bed?
What are you playing currently.
Explain in one line why RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 is the goat
What is something you wish you could say to your crush right now?
If your younger self could see you now, what would they be more surprised about?
What did you only find out about women when you got a girlfriend?
What's a small act of kindness you've witnessed or experienced that you'll never forget?
What show was great at first but declined so much you couldn’t finish it?
What is the best tv show you've seen?
What was the hardest that you have ever been hit with?
won my first fight but i feel horrible
Do you practice any other art beside Muay Thai?
What is the funniest movie you've ever seen?
Do guys like getting approached by women first?
Why did you get into Muay Thai?
What is your weirdest unintended benefit from training Muay Thai?
Sparring am I in the wrong?
Where does punching power come from
Jon’s announcement 😭