DLC locking?
Omg 😭???
This game bruh
sorta kinda news I’m not sure
Content Pass
victim attributes useless
Not being able to fight only promotes rushing.
Sweat Tour Ticket
SWEAT Tour Ticketing Megathread
My Keurig Slim Descale Light Won’t Turn Off
What's the point of Sissy?
Danny players crying about hands 💀
"Julie is one of the worst victims, why would anyone play as her?"
Is Walter gone for good?
Abilities and their counters
If Family House is a fair map, then why do less than 7% of players have the "Leaving Home" achievement? People have had over 9 months to use a mere 4 escapes....
Patch Notes - April 30th, 2024
This game is not fun anymore
The family player base is extinct almost
I'm a quick match main, & this is absolutely WILD. These can't be real people?
Dissapointed this wasn't included in the patch-note
Community Check-In - January 8th, 2024
The Freezer Bride Tour '22
I don't know what's happening...