Confession haha
Finally! HexATerestial is fixed!
... I hope to see y'all soon, my beans!! Have fun! 🥲
Some Phrases i think we need!
I'm so fuck*ng happy that it's back!
Unpopular Opinion: Hiding your Crown Rank is only gonna make you targeted than showing it
What’s the secret sauce behind who you’re assigned to spectate?
I don't even know how this is possible
I should be in bean jail
I've had various suggestions many times
Why does hex-a-terrestrial always glitch for me?
Child holding entire lobby as hostage
First time playing in 2025. Maybe last time playing in 2025
Party for Trophy
When is Fall Ball Cup returning?
What generosity, motivation for power.
Should I be flattered or annoyed if someone copies one of my maps 🤨
One of the best tryhard outfits ?yes.
Hex A Terrestrial
Guys, I think we need a new emoticon that says "Sorry, I was Disconnected"
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Why does winning a game in a non final round does not add to the wins total from missions?
Time Attack? How?
I can't play on PC :-/