Struggling to Separate Thoughts & Reality – Is This an ADHD Thing?
Guy follows a bunch of Instagram girls
Struggling to Take Up Space & Feel Confident
My (F26) older sister (F32) always used to enjoy putting me down and was very competitive with me - this still affects my adult relationship with her
A little big
fitting the male gaze
My dad has schizophrenia and I always wondered if that's the reason for him being mean to me and my sister
Beauty standards who infantilize women
Kriminalität von Migranten - war früher wirklich alles besser?
Does invalidation enrage anyone else?
What a terrible country we live in
Anyone else doesn't know how to healthily regulate your emotions because you never learned it?
My dad just doesn’t care. Emotional neglect?
How to get out of a toxic relationship cycle? I (26/F) think I might be codependent and my boyfriend (32/M) is an emotionally distant and passive underachiever.
If I heal my codependency I might have to break up
Is anyone else obsessed with reading about beauty standards?
Is it just me or do most people seem to fit the beauty standard?
I'm afraid I manifested being ugly
I'm terrified of people. Anyone else?
wore a few different faces within the past year..
My bite is perfect, but still my jaw (mandibular) is slightly recessed. Not so much that it affects my health, it's more of an aesthetic issue.
What kind of extrovert drains you most
AI written quotes to cheer us up
Does anyone else not find her THAT pretty? I think she's beautiful but not the most beautiful woman in the world
Any look a like?