Does anyone else randomly go silent in a conversation?
When you tell someone you're autistic
Wisdom teeth removal
Has anyone ordered from this website? -Medicines from Ukraine
AWG 12 Steps upcoming meeting! Tuesday, Feb 25, 11-11:40 am Eastern US time on Zoom (4 pm GMT; 5 pm CET). Weekly reading and Zoom info here
Call for written shares on the theme of "Our experiences with social isolation (Part 2 of 2)" to be read anonymously at the beginning of the Feb 25 meeting
Upcoming meeting, Tuesday, Feb 25, from 12-1 pm Eastern Time (5 pm GMT; 6 pm CET). Topic: "Our experiences with social isolation (Part 2 of 2)". Zoom info and discussion materials here
What nootropics ACTUALLY work and is backed up by scientific research?
Transgender Women of Britain PLEASE READ
The most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency/vibration is your mind. It is a broadcasting and receiving station.
I injected T 2 days ago
"young beautiful girls only get vertigo by being in love"
Lack of agency / learned helplessness?
Guys I think I was genuinely born with depression
Does anyone here have chronic disabling depersonalization-derealization disorder?
i keep having meltdowns in my dreams
Flag for nuerodivergent people
Took 500mg in tincture and felt nothing at all. Does it mean I got scammed?
Should we be worried by conservative calls to reopen Mental Institutions?
It hurts too much, I can't.
Why is DIY not more widespread?
Psyched Wellness is no good
Need help - hunger has returned. Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks to the redditor who posted about having high IgE
Waiting times on reports (Psychiatry-UK)