What's a deal breaker in a relationship?
I would appreciate it if some of you guys join my baseball league
_____ is a religion of terror.
Dear late santa i want ____
makeup vs natural
Rate my music taste
How’s my base
What’s your New Year’s resolution?
What band sounds like this to you?
Who designed this faucet? 💀
I think my 4 yr old has been listening to Radiohead behind my back
Alright be kind but honest lol. Am I ugly?
Christmas gift
Tell me your favorite Metallica song
Sir, there's too much ______ in my food.
I lost my old account. Can you cheer me up Spirits?
The 8th deadly sin is ____________________
I just love the smell of ______ in the morning.
Was about to play Nintendo land then found out my disc was broken 😡
Pretty nice birthday gift
give me tips to glow up
You're under arrest… you have the right to remain ______
If I were a sex toy, I’d be in a _________.