How quickly do you expect someone to be speaking to you exclusively?
Private clubs/gyms that don’t need a membership to try?
Why am I always left in a “holding pattern”?
When do you draw a firm boundary around your communication with people who are not looking for a relationship (with you)?
How do you date as a hyper-independent person?
How do you know you’re rejecting someone out of a lack of attraction or because you are not giving them a chance?
What is the thinking behind not wanting a relationship when you’re over 30?
How do you know if you’re being avoidant or genuinely not attracted to someone?
Any tips for communicating vulnerably to build a connection?
How do you pace things with online matches so as to not make them feel like you’re not interested?
Have you tried to date people you’re not immediately physically attracted to, and did the attraction grow?
Second date at his “studio” (he’s a recording artist)
Any tips on how to make conversation sound less platonic with OLD meetups?
How do you know you’re not attracted to someone or if you’re sabotaging things?
What makes a man want to start doing things for a woman?
What are some examples of simping in the talking phase or early stages?
When you are juggling options, how do you determine who to give your time to?
Karaoke bars in Toronto that don’t need a reservation?
Why do men send good morning texts when they aren’t interested in you?
How do you stop getting involved in situationships?
Why do people tell me “you’re beautiful but you don’t know it”?
Why does it feel like everyone around me knows themselves better than I do?
People that text a lot before meeting … why?
I connect quickly with a lot of people, but never know if I truly want to give them my time
How do you decide that you actually “want” someone?