What is something you’ve been craving but you can’t have it ?
Can we talk about nausea?
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
The stats say 90% of pregnant women get stretchmarks
What vitamins do you take daily besides a prenatal one?
Tire cover!
To gift or not you gift?
What has been your worst pregnancy symptom?
الإفتخار بأشياء لم نخترها هل هو غباء
Who else is barely surviving??
What are things that smell unbearable now that you're pregnant?
Wach normal bnadem ikon kaychreb gha kas dlma f 24h wchi marat makychrebch lma ga3 ?
Winter rainy mornings, skipping school, wrap urself around a blanket, while smelling fresh homemade bread, Thè with mint and scrolling through TV channels, everything is cozy and simple, Life is Good.
What scams do I need to look out for in Marrakech?