Traffic cam video of the neo nazi's being chased away
Topic About DEIA
This fucking game man
"Why Aren't Democrats DOING Anything??"
I'm a programmer. I've been writing code for 16 years. What can I do to help?
I want to participate in talk about Axis Mundi
I Heard Something About Blue Ranks....Something About Blocking Lows
You can DELETE 3 characters from the game, who do you choose?
Is there any character that you rarely/ haven't get to fight against?
Jotting My Ideas Down For A Modern Day God
Who were your guys’ first mains and who are your current mains now?
Clive Rosefield is the final Season 1 DLC character December 16, 2024
To the moon?
Finding the correct replacement part I need?
I need more animes to watch! Please!
Who's the most badass black characters in anime?(Pt.2)
Are yall actually *seeing* the grab animations and breaking it with the correct break?
Do you wait if someones AFK during a match?
In a war who would win?
Who (out of this list) would you want to be friends with
What Tekken opinion will you defend like this?
How different are you from your main irl?
How many people actually use Brave?
How many cans of compressed air do I need