Minacciato di morte
Chi è la persona italiana, attualmente viva, più AMATA al mondo?
Carrefour corso Turati 75 Torino
Che auto avete e a quanto l'avete acquistata?
Shocking Video - Terrible Work Accident w/ Man Crushed By Crane Arm While Attempting To Lift Unbalanced Load (NSFW)
How common is forced long-distance relocation at Japanese companies and how can I avoid it?
Macchina da città più piccola e poco cara possibile, possibile che sia tutto a oltre 18k?
Why do cashiers always ask me to approve their choice of bag size?
Doing remote work for a foreign company and being paid on a foreign account
raga ma siamo sicuri di essere nel 2024?? perché certe cose non tornano
Secondo voi vale la pena indebitarsi di circa 100.000€ per sostenere un MBA, a 29 anni, in una delle università più prestigiose a livello internazionale?
Saw this on my way to work
What is your favorite limited edition snack?
Dove mangiare pizzette rosse di sfoglia
Paula Badosa's coach shares a photo of Paula mocking Chinese people
TORINO - trappola per turisti
Is it possible to lose residency while still owning property in Japan? (Inheritance tax question)
Tourist/Content Creator Cringe- Whats the worst you've seen?
Leaving Japan and stop being a tax resident
Where can I learn fencing as an adult?
Any Italian bars for socializing?
Tokyo recommendations thread: Italian cuisine beyond pizza
Tax implications of gifting foreign property to spouse
Gifting Tax and Early Inheritance question
Keeping an apartment in Tokyo without being classified as a tax resident