Biggest Season 5 fears?
John Major is the last surviving Prime Minister to have ruled over Hong Kong his entire ministry
Oreo cookies predate the sinking of the Titanic
Albert Einstein was 23 years younger than Nikola Tesla.
The world's oldest surviving photo was taken the year Thomas Jefferson died (1826)
How much do you wanna bet he was jerking off when he was writing this?
Muskets did not exist during Christopher Columbus's lifetime.
Not until January 19th 2059 will the day the wreck of the Titanic was found be closer to the ship’s sinking than the current day
What was your favorite subplot from season 3?
The last surviving son of Thomas Jefferson could have met Winston Churchill and Herbert Hoover.
How Walt felt after saying "Stay out of my territory."
Jimmy is a better person than Walt
Benjamin Franklin was an adult when Isaac Newton died
Was it really necessary to give the Mesa Verde horse a massive erect cock?
Jackie Robinson’s widow is still alive at age 102. She was born 7 years before MLK Jr. and Barbara Walters.
Smartest r/breakingbad user:
Fool sells car at large financial loss because Elon bad and karma
walmart and jester enter a cooking contest
I wonder how many posts here are actually random thoughts people had instead of actually being dreams
How did Kim get injured? I thought she was made of sterner stuff
is he stupid?
The scene where Marie discovers Hank’s porn career is so heartbreaking 💔
Ok let’s settle this once and for all. Who’s the hottest twink?
Things from BrBad/BCS I wanna put in my mouth
You know what Uncle Elon always says