Does anyone still play Battlefront 2015?
Anyone else been ignoring all their other consoles/handhelds after getting a Steam Deck?
Do yall dock your steam deck even tho you have a gaming pc?
Is it too much to ask for these to come on Switch 2?
What is something that people assume everyone enjoys, but you hate?
PlayStation is shifting away from forced PSN login for PC games and shifting towards incentivizing account linking
What’s a discontinued product or service that you desperately wish would come back?
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
“Unsupported” Games that are Actually Playable
Is it risky to charge Switch Lite with MacBook USB-C charger?
Show your wallpapers
Is Sudafed PE a scam?
Sick in Disney
With subreddits being so diverse, why does society look down upon Reddit users?
Does society still look down upon people who use Reddit?
Switch wins Day 8, vote for the most iconic console for day 9.
Any tips on how to break my speeding addiction?
If you had the ability to instantly learn any skill, which one would you choose?
blursed microphone
What phrase is said or worded incorrectly that really grinds your gears?
Anyone else disappointed with Tiana’s Bayou Adventure?
Which Actor is this?
Is the Nintendo Switch 2 really $449.99?
Can you play as the AT AT
what park would you do twice and why?