What happened to good old fashioned retarded people?
Give me your favorite songs
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, which would it be?
When did you deliver your first LO?
What drastically changed your life?
Mom to toddlers in their third trimester ….
Tell me you’re in your third trimester without telling me
Being a SAHM when a pet dies is terrible
When did your kids stop napping?
People who say they loved being pregnant must be lying or have selective memory
21 month old despises brushing teeth
Moms, when did you start sleeping 7-8 hours uninterruptedly ? If ever
Why do toddlers
Which symptom in your pregnancy do you dislike THE MOST?
Serena Williams Crib walking to not like us
Does anyone regret getting a epidural?
My first modern arrangement! Any advice?
Let’s try something new! What is your top political concern today? What is stressing you the most about this mess? RULE #1 suspended for this thread.
What are you starting to like less the older you get?
Super Bowl
Being pregnant and having a toddler who doesn’t nap is rough
Unpopular opinion, maybe? Toddler stage is WAY easier than newborn/the 1st year.
Kendrick Lamar’s grin during Not Like Us
Does anyone else get bad nightmares?
What kind of toddler bed did YOU get? Is the one I picked out not a good choice? Tips on toddler proofing the room?