Cycle from a certain website reviews
What are things you wish you brought on deployment?
Did I find one? Or was I as much of an ass
What was your best name for your fantasy football team?
Getting deployed to Camp Arifjan.
Bought 530 xrp 6 weeks ago, been day trading with 40% of it and now I have nearly 700 xrp
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Sees a 600% Crypto Surge.
Kicking myself for selling too soon
Land Nav
How boned am I?
Is it true that they give you pills to reduce libido?
How bad is this off?
I got my job list (1 more opportunity to score higher)
My gf told me she's pregnant but this test was negative when she took it in front of me. What should I do?
Going through all the trades I made this season, how did I do?
Finally bought decent glass.
Doable in one day switching drivers?
My GF 26F told me 29M said I was a 4/10
Help me improve
Ar10 barrel recommendations
This is the only year I didn’t make a trade
what do you instantly see?
Top comment changes the map: MEGACHUSETTS has formed and caused significant bordergore (Day 19)
My top 10