why don't you text your ex if you are missing them badly
a week of no contact
You want to solve the problem but they want to solve you
a month after breakup, he changed his avatar
i need someone to talk to
People who were deeply in love with your partner, but broke up with them, why did you do it?
What haircut should I get? I've only ever gotten trims before and idk what would suit me! I have very thick poofy hair 😂
asked my ex for a 2nd chance and this was his reply
looking for a manifestation buddy
Anyone wants to join me for a 30 day manifestation challenge/routine? Looking for accountability partners (:
manifesting my ex
Looking for friends who are going through a breakup to talk
I just can’t accept that it’s over. Can anyone relate?
How to get over this break-up
I want to be mentally strong and independent
1 week and 1 day today
My 1month LDR bf [M19] is asking for nudes
I want him to come back 😭
I broke up a week ago but I'm still very sad and upset
What’s something you learned the hard way?
how can I(22 f) distract myself from feeling bad
Do I consider the relationship as over? (19F) and (25M)