Lost in life
Usmle doubt
Past, present and future - off zero information. Let me amaze you.
Light hearted shows that can be binged in a day
Shows nobody suggests
Free Twin Flame Readings (Comments only!)
Recommend me a show like Lost
Reviews for Tarot , Medium and Psychic Readings
Just spent $6k on a NLP therapy package for 6 months
Thanksgiving Dinner
In China, young girls' feet were bound tightly in an ancient practice to achieve "lotus feet,"
Which seat are you choosing?
🤎Tarot Readings 🤎
Spirit message
🤎Tarot Readings🤎
What started your DPDR ?
Germany VS USA VS Canada
I’m bored and I need practice
26F. Pls kindly share insights about marriage &/or love life/spouse. 3 astrologers I've met are suspiciously tight-lipped about it
(F32) Introvertierte Kumpelin gesucht für sporadischen Textaustausch und gemeinsame Interessen (Games, Illustration, Mangas, Comics)
What’s your obscure show that you love but feel like you either never get to recommend or that people don’t pay attention to it?
Freundschaft gesucht! M31
My wife goes to bed at 9pm every day
Hey! Ich bin 26w und gerne sucht Freunden zum chatten und vielleicht sinnvolles Gespräch
Suche Leute zu chatten m24