Make sure to report them
India’s caste system: What it means to be a Dalit woman
The OG Caste Conscious Kid
[PLEASE READ] Community Update : Expanding the scope of the community and announcing new post flairs
Let us know if y'all want to add/change anything about this community to make it more interactive and productive
Our society is rotten
They assume caste is not oppressing and to maintain social order. Your thoughts??
Why Inter-Caste Marriage is Evil and a Tool to Control Bharat
Some atheists would say they don't believe in god but would believe in merit without acknowledging their privileges.
Acc to ambedkar education will liberate sc st and provide them with power wrong.!
If you don't subscribe to (oppressor) savarna narratives and don't follow their culture, you can call yourself an outcaste as well. We need an outcaste hegemony.
This is why r/OutCasteRebels was made
Getting told by someone who never faced caste
Our clarification on Lakshay Speaks issue
Why most of the desi parents are ok with interracial marriage but not intercaste one?
LakshyaSpeaks is a casteist liar
Comprehensive view of brahminism
Dank humour MFs when the joke is about their religion and not about caste or minorities
As long as their narratives and mainstream hegemony exists, caste will exist. We need to bring a change and take a step forward towards making of avarna (outcaste) hegemony.