[@astrolavas] Waffles? 🥺👉👈
[@ky(she/they] Stringbean? 🥺👉👈
[@kl_pp] Okaaayy fine, I'll share this with you guys 😒
[@jkamiko_eh] Okay I lied, here's titanlights.
[@sleepyateight] Oh Titan.
[@pizzaliker420] but mom hugs are so comfy and she feels like home.
[@kl_spp] Woah.
[@tcsocky] yknow? Take another Titan Luz art
If Luz wasn’t the main character then who would you’ve wanted to be the main character?
[@robinoxel] Titan Luz>>>
[@makelia_soul] They're so in love I can't 💜💛 {Lunter/Huntceda/Goldenlight}
Memes I stole part 14
You gotta give her credit, Luz.
What are your top 3 favourite friendships in the show?
[@makelia_soul] Oh...she's angry. {Lunter/Huntceda/Goldenlight}
ch3 of my fanfic released!
[@gold.and.glyphs] YESS YESSSSSS!!! {Lunter/Huntceda/Goldenlight}
[Ky (she/they)] Luz & Ghost
Memes I stole part 13
[@garabatos_deformes] Wowie
[@Sakura Ink Tales] Woah
realized that I haven't posted anything in a while so here.
[@fakedoe =]] Welp.
ch2 of my fanfic! COWBOY TIME!