Had to share
Billboard’s Biggest Artists of the 21st Century
Which celebrity photo do you randomly think about?
How do you guys feel about Scott?
Selena Gomez
DC instructors
Kylie & Timothee very much still together
good guys x politics
Curious how we all got here
Why do Cubans vote republican if they’re here because of democratic policy?
Jump scare
Marissa law school
Mason posting on TikTon
you can’t tell me they’re not dating….
Most Attractive Male Athletes Of All Time (Thoughts?)
What’s the one pop culture moment from the last 10 years we’ll be talking about in 20 years?
BWNJ <3 trump
Kim interviewing North for Interview Magazine
Comparison between Theo von and Alex isn’t quite correct
Bar exam in person tutor?
Does anyone have a good email for customer service?
Who was Taylor Swift’s most attractive boyfriend?