First suggestion on how to administer the New Canadian state, please make any suggestions you want or negotiate changes with the other participants of the Canadian experiment.
Guys I got an idea
The Emperor Proclaims that with the Wishmaidens granting him the fabled sword of King Arthur any resistance against his rule over all Britannians is resistance against the divine will of God and the natural order!
Anti Caligula Aktion
Consensus Democracy Russia is Perfectly cursed
Could we re-establish overseas bases
It is the natural conclusion of things
The factory lines are working overtime
Americans Position in the Northern Meme War
The Seattle Colossus! Who cares for who leads Manitoba when The Immortal will unite *all* of Cascadia!
Kingdom of Manitoba prepares to invade Langenburg
How I (a non American) see the US.
Non-communist universal anti facist flag
"The End of History" European Union victory in the 2nd European War (TFR)
So it begins
The real unifier
You launched a nuked at NCR and Caesar’s Legions
My proposal to the NCD board of Cool Project Funding on how to cause a US intervention
Fun fact: You're addicted to this
Check out my democratic Romania run
U.S. States With the Most Guns
I made a series of TNO Styled Super Events for an NCR Civil War! Take a look!
Day 7: Top comment removes a state