The new exercise sweeping the nation is ___ OWE
Scientists Decode Whale Language—And Their Message Is: OWE
why does everyone like _____? they are horrible! OWE
MMW Elon and his boyfriend will adopt a small black child and call him pebble
Oscar Jenkins, a 32 year old Australian teacher being caught and interrogated by the Russian Army in Ukraine
That's nice, son, but back in my day, we used to __________. OWE
Unfortunately, they rejected my application for _____________. OWE
I'm sorry, this relationship just isn't going to work. I just can't stand it when you ____________ . OWE
I had to go to the doctor because _______. OWE
You gotta pay the troll toll if you wanna ____. OWE
Your momma is so... OWE
Taylor Swift is secretly ________. OWE
Your Honor, if I did really it, I would... OWE
What’s your secret for a moist turkey? OWE
When I get drunk I always ______________ OWE
Give me that ________, you ain’t made for this son! OWE
How do I win the lottery? OWE
My favorite kind of Thanksgiving dessert is ________ OWE
____________. OWE
What’s on your Black Friday shopping list? OWE
Boeing has announced a new business strategy for 2025. They plan to _______ OWE
Diddy is releasing a new song He recorded in jail. it's titled _____. OWE
No matter the culture, all men are _____. OWE
Can we talk about butt stuff? OWE
My drag queen name is going to be _____________ OWE