What’s a song that makes you feel actually happy?
What has been your best travelling experience (Tell the places as well)?
What's an underrated hobby/thing to do to escape life hardships?
How did you cope with feeling alone?
People that were not “liked” or “uncool” in High school where are you now in your adult lives?
What is a small habit that makes a significant impact on your mental/physical health?
How do you know if you are a “good” person?
What is some advice you would give to someone in the last year of high school and about to enter the adult world?
Never coming back
What's your favorite book and why?
what is a WEIRD/ unusual habit that makes you feel better/ makes your life better?
People with fearful-avoidant/disorganised attachment style how did you fix it?
Your pfp is now what you become. How screwed are you?
Why is Reddit/pinterest sm more positive as compared to Instagram?
Most people are not good people.
Daily reminder: Choose people who choose you. You’re not a backup plan.
Multilingual people of Reddit. What language do you dream in?
People that were not “liked” or “uncool” in High school where are you now?
How do you know if you are a good person?
How to get my shit together