How far will 43 credits get me?
How far will 43 credit hours get me?
Georgia Tech vs Harvard (CS)
CONFUSED INDIAN TEENAGER NEEDS HELP... Georgia Tech CS vs UCI CS (college decision)
CS student needs adult/peer advice, parents aren't helping
Indian CS League of Legends State Champion Reflects on his Results
incoming freshman switch to CCS Computing
Help me choose my home for the next four years (COMPUTER SCIENCE)
Georgia Tech CS vs UIUC CS + Philosophy
Predict my results 😭😭pls
League of Legends Player Updates Results!
League of Legends Champion Indian boy makes it to T6 CS school
Philosophical Loophole in College Applications and Ambition Overall
An Asian Male in CS Gets Rizzy with the Big Schools and Finds His Golden Pookie (TRUE STORY)
Further explanation of Esports in additional info section
Adding reasoning for not taking Calculus until senior year until 12th grade NEED HELP!
UC PIQ question
UC Activity List
Low Science sub score on ACT for CS
Rate my extracurriculars (current sophomore)
Chance me as an Asian Male for CS who is more average than some other insane individuals here
Should I Rearrange My School Categories (Reach, Target Safety)
SoCal Boy NEEDS advice on Merit Scholarship 🤣🤣