Meaning of Godspeed
Did anyone ever caught a ride on the Superchooks?
Female motorcyclist dies in Elizabeth Downs crash
What is this strange thing
Bridget McKenzie, Moira Deeming and key News Corp figures to attend Jordan Peterson’s ‘civilisation’ conference | Coalition
Another peaceful day at the Zenith base - Horizon Forbidden West
No aircon and keeping cool
Grrrrrrr still hot outside
Honest question regarding Star Trek Voyager
Police arrest and charge 68 year old woman after girl hit with car on medium strip at Hendon
ACs on full blast
Before you all yell at me "Yes it is a video game" I know that but I just wanted to say this anyway.
I found the brig at Fleets End ......... I thought this was not accessible but it is.
I saw the resurrection ... Dead bird come back to life.
Guys you’re never going to believe what they do at cemeteries….
im sure this has been said before
Some pics of Aloy
Hey did anyone explore the game folders on PC?
Old Gildun and Gaia.
Who can legally do IV drips in Adelaide?
I really love how gentle Aloy can be sometimes.
Taking a balloon ride and I finally found the fox and shrine after a long, long time
Driver Matthew Hollitt hit motorcyclist then told her she 'deserved it', court hears
Pre-election boost for Albanese as $13.7bn core of Future Made in Australia passes
Alleged hit-and-run in which car mounted median strip leaves teenage girl in hospital