You'll never have to vote again.
Current Events as Con Law Practice?
The Yugoslav resistance was number one
Mock trial seems too gamified
A Post Civil War Reconstruction Era Campaign Poster for the Democratic Party, 1869.
Hobby Recommendations?
What is an underratedly interesting amendment?
Episode 668 Kids were following him like Rocky
Mods or ways to enable Raid Boss?
Has BtB ever done a series on the Federalist Society and or Leo Leonard?
What is something the law permits that you think is unbelievable
All fascists were losers but some were much bigger losers than others
It really be like this....
If only
Why can't i post images in reddit chat?
We had a nice run.
Post a more cursed Hybrid Culture, bet You can't.
I got accepted today
Episode Suggestion: An Ambiguous "Bastard" Like Ataturk or Tito
"Finger-picking v. Sweep-picking" or "Could you not use fingerpicking in the place of sweep picking?"
In response to all the recent "HOI 4 BF/GF" copypastas, what are some HOI4 lines you imagine those "couples" say to each other?
Least nationalistic homosexual greek
Dacii liberi
Relationship status
[DISCUSSION] Does anyone else struggle to play certain solos because they include high notes too far up the fret board?
leper is uncureable