Why are full-time building subs who work full time neglected benefits due to the fact that their contract ends the first day students don’t attend school but are automatically restarted the first day students attend? It’s weird
How are people retiring on 1-1.5m?
Pension Buying Power with No COLA
250k + in savings account
401k saved so far?
Maintaining Pension Buying Power with No COLA
Struggling to get Hired
GenX over 50 with little to no retirement savings
Process To Become An Older Teacher
Hitting that age where losing a job could be disastrous...
Getting a pension, OK to have no bonds?
Immediate Annuity vs Bonds
New Teacher Hiring Process
For the over 50 with little to no retirement savings
Tired and alone
It's finally over.
How are some of ya'll getting hired as a teacher without a certification 👀
50% of women and 47% of men between the ages of 55 and 66 have no retirement savings.
Q&a general questions only
Anyone else having a hard time getting hired ???
What was the most outrageous quote you’ve ever gotten?
At 58, I feel lost
A Class B with no experience and I got my CDL from a bus lot. How am I supposed to get experience if no one wants someone with no experience
How much is in your 401K & what’s your age?