[FINAL REWORK CONCEPT] Ash - Avatar of Murder
[UPDATED REWORK CONCEPT] Ash - Avatar of Murder
Is this good for a riven?
Spiel um Kummer und Trauer zu vertreiben
Our new main hall built in Open Space
Nest of Thorns now has an Echelon 8 difficulty and more changes!
Racism in a form of a tattoo request form
Big Update Coming - Staging Steam dB for Dota
What do we attribute this face to?
A weakpoint indicator on damage numbers would be nice
Holy f__k Bro
Look at this photograph
Guys im ngl it's not that bad
Parvos, we really need to talk about your taste in women
This guy is on a Zoom call, but not actually in front of the camera
Überlegt euch dreimal, ob ihr euch da runterwagt...
It's amusing that every time DE iterates on Survival, they create something that is better than the original.
Daryl Davis A real hero who converts instead of punches.
Wort! Wort! Wort!
Any ideas or opinions on what they're gonna do to my boy
What are all the changes you wanna see with ash rework?
Chilling in frame?
Conclave weekly not dropping
With some more upcoming changes to invisibility and Ash, we should be able to toggle whether sentinels attack while you are invis or not.
Rating YEAR IN REVIEW (yes i'll go through every single one)