Where can I buy used bluray / 4k at good prices online?
How much do you spend monthly in blurays? (approximately)
This might be heresy, but this might be my favorite of them all, period... (Also, damn nice looking 4K and solid Atmos track.)
Is €10 good for a 4k ?
Foreign blurays
What’s the weirdest list you have?
Shelfie update! Been collecting for about 2yr now after having sold my entire collection 5yr ago and moved across the country.
Finally !!!!
What's a movie you could only see one time
My physical media collection. Been collecting on and off since about 2018.
Completely new to anime, what should I watch next?
Where to watch films
What is your favorite remake of all time?
What’s a film that’s a terrible execution of a great idea?
What’s better between Sony UBP X700 and Panasonic UB420?
Thoughts about Interstellar
Movies where nothing is as it seems?
Wonderful experience last night seeing Mulholland Drive on the big screen.
What’s a film that has an abomination as a remake? (Any genres)
When you hear 'Bond, James Bond', what actor first comes to mind?
Classic Film Lovers, early cinema recommendations?
share your 5/5 star movies. these r mine ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Starting a collection?
Thoughts before a purchase.