Taking foundation recs based on my skin type
What does it mean when I feel so triggered by certain things?
What if you just..don't sleep train?
I feel like my body and soul are out of sync during my pregnancy
Best DOR IVF Clinics, Levels, and more
US-folks, how much did your pregnancy/birth cost you out of pocket?
I'm going to commit su1c1de
Recently became a parent, what age did you put your baby to sleep in their own room?
Baby’s Heartrate at 9W6D is 189 bpm
Can you describe your first 4-8 weeks of breastfeeding? What should I be expecting?
Would you be disappointed at your late 20s child if she keeps changing her mind about her career?
Career Switch: Doctor to CPA
Best hydration powders/tablets
Work told me I’m not welcome back after I have my baby
My husband is sick every time I’m sick…
Got a GMG pizza oven attachment and attempt #1 was an absolute disaster
People doing natural births- why?
Anyone have elevated TSH in a first pregnancy and normal TSH in a subsequent pregnancy?
Need some honest opinions about epidural
Need to vent (TW: Pregnancy, Loss)
Thyroid Levels - still waiting on test, kind of seems like provider forgot to order it
This fitness influencer claims that it was just her “healthy lifestyle” that has yielded her in the 90th percentile with egg abundance… such misinformation
Does dor negatively impact implantation?
Debt Consolidation Texts and Calls won't stop
Can anyone explain how Egg retrieval differs from medicated cycle protocol?