A fair value framework of bitcoin based on it's relative monetary value versus gold
👀 100k
Treasury Breakeven Rates (Amount of Yield Increase Needed to wipe out 1Y of yield)
Largest $ daily gain?
From November, 10th, 2021: "Bitcoin Hits Record as Inflation Hedge Drumbeat Grows"
Smell in house after cellulose insulation blown into attic
Serious concern about bitcoin right now...
Commence circular firing squad!
Why are people so bullish when the UNRATE trend is so clear about recession?
End the FED
Capital Gains Distributions?
Subordinated bond
How low can Ultra Treasury Bond Futures can possibly go?
Looking to purchase an investment-grade corporate bond with a maturity of up to 3 years and hold it until it matures. Your suggestions?
Strategy based on getting called?
You can add “you piece of shit” to the end of any famous movie quote, what would it be?
Money Market Accounts
Thoughts on allocating to IG credit?
Does the high yield credit spread become narrower as interest rates decrease?
What is the best long term decision
Should I get a credit card?
Strategy to pay off Credit Cards
Can you pay off cash advance separately?
Auto equity loan to pay off debt?
Shouldn't the 10-year yield be ABOVE 4 (assuming Fed's assumption of terminal/neutral rate is correct)?