Do Tunisian people still read books?
For those struggling with Boderline you are not alone 💔
An answer to person who wrote about why tunisia ins't as good as Morocco
How do i even counter this?
Bdit n5af a5ta fadlka
فضل قراءة سورة الكهف يوم الجمعة
Some good news, I guess.
Would you date an older woman ?
أنا يسر رسامة و عمري 20😍💜 شقولكم في خدمتي ؟
You ain’t gonna believe what my German professor sent me!
From today’s protest in Tunis
Opposition Protest in Tunis tomorrow
Photo of the day: it tell a lot from our daily sh**
No comment (old photo)
Do jerba's Jews support Israel?
عنا قهوة في راس النهج مولاها عمل حفل إفتتاح أحسن ماللي عملتو فرانسا
I dont really care anymore. I am voting for this guy
What is the worst death you have ever heard of or seen?
What’s your favourite swear from other languages?
If you could choose how you died besides old age, what method would you pick?
Prepa student in a serious trouble
My neighbor is a drug dealer
Favorite Deb Morgan curses?
What’s your biggest regret?