Tim Tebow wins day 6! Day 7: A good player who is hated by the fans.
looking for a durable string for my brand new racket
Dynasty autogenerated a recruit with the same name as my 2 year old son and details related to me….
Ted Cruz was bought so now believes “everything is for sale” and that "To become an American is in many ways the greatest gift we can give anyone on planet Earth."
Need a Shoe recommendation
My number one
Need Help On My Problematic Serve :(
Recommendations for Replacement of ChiliPiper
Dan Patrick says he’s open to clarifying medical exception to Texas abortion ban
The Americans are now in the 'Find out' phase
Anyone know the backstory on the guy that’s sings and dances on corner of 1st and Barton?
Suggest some safest neighbourhoods in Richardson, Texas
I’ve you’re really struggling with the F chord after daily practice for 6 mo on acoustic should you look for a better guitar?
MMA Fighters will not automatically win in a "real" fight
Why do even very short women insist on dating men over 6 feet?
Why is Adair the town not in Adair county?
Which Native American tribe gave white people the most problems?
Classic Vibe 50’s Strat vs Paranormal Nashville Strat
[FIGHT THREAD] Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson
And so it begins...the future is bleak
Is there a special insurance that covers replacing under-slab plumbing?
Gong Engaged Opinions
Started analyzing our teams cold calls with the latest AI models - thoughts?
Tony bombed at MSG b
[Nissan, R34 GTR] just casually being picked up in my small Texas neighborhood.