Elect clowns get a ....
Orange man child threatens other countries with 100% Tariffs unless they do as he demands.
I've been going through a divorce, so installed kids messenger on their tablets so they can message me. I got this today 🥰
Well this aged poorly.
Archeologists in South Africa have uncovered a 7,000-year-old poison arrowhead lodged in an antelope bone that was coated in ricin, digitoxin, and strophanthidin
Right or Privilege
Had to get my appendix removed.. On my birthday
How should a 2010 Base Boxster Manual Transmission feel?
Friend won't tell me her baby's gender, wants me to "figure it out" with A.I Waldo
Don't lecture about watches when you've got a case
It was just a matter of time
2 dozen eggs $7.69 in Los Angeles
Is private healthcare in the UK actually worth it, or is it overhyped?
If America repeals the laws concerning discrimination by gender, race etc, can businesses charge white clients a higher price for goods legally?
Major tuberculosis outbreak hits Kansas City area
Do they think this is working?
Why doesn’t Costco limit more products in demand?
To Prove him Right Ultimately
I often read that successful people are disliked in the UK, even if they start out poor?
Southern Water going up again
TIL Mr Bean’s (Rowan Atkinson) son is a Gurkha
I know someone who can do it cheap
I'd like to a text-so-speech converter in the style of the old-school "Fred" voice demonstrated in the original Mac in 1984.
how much are eggs where you live?