I’m scared to fly now.
This is eye-opening 😳
New Uniforms
"Have you dined with us before?"
End of Year Review
Bidding on Trips During Reserve
Feel like you'll lose friends?
🌐 Quality of Life Feedback
What do you think about the fact that smart people don't have children and less smart people do?
MCI Commuting
Kansas City Voter Turnout was 54%... The Lowest It Has Been in Decades.
Day 1 of Recovery
AA or UA
Why doesn,t my 1 year old golden bark?
United FL bases
Closed a few weeks ago and finally got a fancy “rich people fridge!”
Hemorrhaging Money After Closing
I knew I wouldn’t want kids when I started hearing parents say they look forward to Mondays.
Group Virtual Interview
UA FA ask me anything!
How much do spend on food (2 adults and 3 5yo and younger?
I’m sure you have all gotten the email too, but still wanted to share just in case 🫶🏻
Salmon and the iced coffee
85k Salary, what can I afford?
Your way to make YNAB a habit