issue with keyboard driver on windows 11
I'm now realised Dean came in dressed as a ring girl to match Jeff, after eitehr spying on him at home, or through the College.
The most normal/sane character in your opinion.
Never played BL. Debating getting either BL3 or BL3 deluxe on Xbox
So, Randy signaled on Xwitter that a Borderlands MMO may be on the way...
PS4 all side missions trophy bug
this sub is comforting
Doctor Who 1x05 "Dot and Bubble" Post-Episode Discussion Thread
WIBTA for asking food to be replaced if eaten entirely?
AITA for wanting food replaced if eaten entirely?
Episode 8 Spoiler Thread
Episode 6 Spoiler Thread
Grey’s Version?
People complain about everything
6 years and 3 diagnoses later...
I hate Derek Shepherd
Episode 4 Spoiler Thread
The Tenth Doctor is a Dick
Marry My Husband [Episode 15]
Marry My Husband [Episode 13]
17 inch laptop bag for college with large capacity
/r/Gallifrey's No Stupid Questions - Moronic Mondays for Pudding Brains to Ask Anything: The 'Random Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread' Thread - 2023-10-23
Due to the consistency and attention to detail of this show, I'm really hoping that this comes to fruition come Season 5
Alexa Duplicating Routines
Why are people so upset about Clara becoming like the doctor