Barack Obama. The 44th President of the United States of America.
I don’t think the game is full of cheaters
115k Loadout for borderline Normal entry
Daily money tip, Craft ammo and other items every few hours. free cash without even entering the extraction maps.
Can I have fun playing Delta Force without spending money?
Skill Gap or what?
Differentiation between teams?
American Christianism
The Original Anti Fascists - Normandy - 1944
Presidential Election Megathread vol. II
My cosplay as Raging Wolf Armor from Elden Ring
Just another typical day in the 'verse, selling grenade and missile launcher rounds to the local pharmacy during a routine check up
Corsair nerf confirmed as intentional
How to make players sit down.
Change my mind
Man, who even said this game was too easy?
Where is my whiskey flask?
At least she didn't find out
That's a whole meal
Commie hands typed this post
Arcane is kino tho
Beware the pipeline
How does he poop now