Bought this 1995 microwave from an estate sale for $10, should last me for years to come
But why?
Why does my ears start hurting around old tv’s?
I’ve had this dresser for probably five years, and never knew these top drawers existed until now.
mods: we want the snow pics
My sweet kitty this morning
I have an job interview question.
Not sure where to ask this question, but is this legal to have on my license plate?
A Christmas miracle
What design/pattern is this queens lace set, how old is this set, and is it safe to eat on?
Is this half dollar worth anything? I’ve been having it in my safe forever and forgot about it.
These yellow crystals were revealed after NASA's Curiosity happened to drive over a rock and crack it open on May 30
She was comfortable but I woke her up
I’m sad, please
LPT: Since women have been getting guns since a event has happened, make sure the gun you get is reliable
Since women have been getting guns since a event has happened, make sure the gun you get is reliable
Here to cheer people up,A cat staring at me while i was weeding yesterday.
Look at these idiots on Facebook posts
I seen these post on facebook, hate to know if their real but they look fake
Why is Texas such a big none voting state?
Still having fun even though most people my age don’t go trick or treating as much.
Trump wants to end income tax and replace it with national sales tax in the form of tariffs.
I voted for the first time and voted for the person that doesn’t lie about everything.
Early Voting is here. How was your voting experience?
Interior of my 92 dodge dakota