HELP! Anyone out there successfully using the Gotcha Ranger who can answer some questions for me?
LF: Clobbopus/Grapploct or Espurr/Meowstic with HA FT: laundry list of HA mons, 0IV foreign ditto
LF: 6IV foreign ditto FT: Shiny Riolu
LF: Two 6IV non English Ditto, One Masterball Each
Lf: Mew ,Zacian, Typnull,Masterball Ft:Shiny
FT: Mew (hacked) LF: Shiny and Masterball offers
FT: Eternatus LF: Extra Gmax Pokemon or HA Impidimp
FT: Shiny non gmax Blaze Charizard LF: Masterball
FT: Shiny Non Gmax Charizard LF: HA Impidimp breedject and Masterball
FT: shiny vikavolt LF: shiny charizard
LF: 6IV Foreign Ditto FT: Masterball
FT JPN 6 IV Ditto LF Masterball, Legendary Dogs
Ft masterball flame orb legendary doggos, and mew. LF shiny offers
LF: Zacian with Sword; FT: 5IV Ditto with Imposter ,Type:Null, some HA Pokémon or Some G-Max Pokémon
LF: Zamazenta FT: Zacian
FT: 4IV JPN Ditto