Why did Subway in town stop being good?
Are these the same?
Things to know before moving to St. John’s
What’s your go to dinner to make?
Lens replacement locally?
What is a universally accepted piece of advice that is actually terrible?
What is the lore behind your username?
More Unconventional Nicknames for Elizabeth?
Why so much garlic?
Looking for calm, sad, melancholic songs by female artists
Popular Songs You Had No Idea Were Covers
Preferably pop-punk, ”I hate you” songs
Need a complete series or stand alone trade to read
What kids show/movie have you banned from your household and why?
In Australia we say ‘it’s pissing down’ when it’s raining very heavily, what do people in other parts of the world say?
What are some songs that you heard nonstop growing up and suddenly disappeared and you feel if you were under 25 you would have never known about?
AITA for not allowing my daughter's bf in her bedroom?
Animal from The Muppets
Do you think one day technology will allow us to create any food we want instantaneously, just by typing it into a computer/device?
Can anyone recommend me movie with this vibe
“I’m tired of being what you want me to be” songs.
Give me what you think the best song of all time is
What cheat code for a game is burned into your brain?
Which Disney Princess do you hope will come next?
I want to be a girl, but my body still doesn't bother me