My lovely girlfriend bought me a Fold 4 for my birthday! I'm so happy! 😁
what are your thoughts on this? why does EU care so much about how we govern our own country
I am facing extreme Religious OCD (Scrupulosity). I am literally at my breaking point. I can barely function anymore
Finally able to game in true 4k, not gonna lie it feels pretty good!
Heartwarming experience
Heated seats are now subscribed monthly for BMW cars in Korea since July.
I am in love with this car
Ahmed Al Nawaf: New Prime Minister
dead pixel on iphone. how and where can I fix it?
If you could change one thing about kuwait society what would you change?
How to get steam games with knet
Our airport (T2) is coming along nicely
Why are pharmacies so expensive?
Are Kuwait's Pharmacies ripping us off?
Looking for a badass name for Demolition company
Sweet fruity leathery scent?
‘Lightyear’ Banned in Middle East Over Same-Sex Kiss
Can I get help with a masculine, sexy, male, cologne?
Looking for a niche summer fragrance. The problem is I don’t like citrus smell on my skin. Any recommendation?
Rate my collection
Return of the Eid memes
Why dont Pakistanis eat prawns??
Is it normal that I don't smell my perfume?
Does anyone know the name of this aromatic/scented wood used in colognes?
Mahmud of Ghazi smashed their stupid rock in 1025, and I eat their cows in 2022.