The fighter Donny by me
Best collab ever
6 years I’ve waited for a proper seller for one of these. It just arrived today
Comment you last 3 emojis.
Jarvis, I'm running low on Karma
Missing one day of school sucks
what if everyone gave me their kitties :33
Why are you single?
What is your opinion on vapes?
Im not even that smart but idk why i keep getting this on my thang
What happened to her 💀
unit circle (precalculus)
What do you guys think about my grades
I see Diane as the most annoying character in whole anime
Seven deadly “pedos” isn’t real prove me wrong
I'd like to think
Your pfp is now what you become. How screwed are you?
About Nasiens!
what’s with everyone being gay these days?
Are you religious
My ideal Texas as a Texan
"Season 3 Animation is So Bad" Season 3 Animation:
What was the heaviest fanfic you've ever read?
Guess my grades from last semester! (Srs)
Favorite brotp?