Ah well that ban didn’t take long. Appears they don’t like you contradicting their transphobia.
just like me fr
Could you argue in a rape case that it was in self defence?
Lent is just Ramadan for pussies
Question from a 13-year-old: How do y’all seem to have so much free time and weird sleep schedules?
Are there any YouTubers that still play on Legacy Edition Minecraft?
I hate souvenir stores
While he was 7 years old btw 😭🙏
Siemens Pride Train
Had a dream where I HAD to smash my phone with a hammer (it made perfect sense) and then immediately stopped making sense.
Enjoy your death trap, ladies!
OK which one of you cunty mods changed my flair to fucking FINLAND
I am mentally ill
ULPT Request: How to throw up?
roomba, are you inbreeding?
Ugh sometimes I just wanna :(){:|:&};:
rule bitches
What did you get for Christmas this year?
25+ Best Half-Life 3 Memes
Post your Technoblade memes
What flag is this?
Opossing Corsa
good brawling, babushka
Anybody here with a split tongue body mod? (NSFW?)