Low effort ice type rebalancing/buffing
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
How the X-Men act with Juggernaut
Please tell me the manga name 😭🙏
A turma está num apocalipse zumbi, quem seria o líder?
Didn't know Charles could stand this whole time
Remind me again how Hawkeye killed her?
People IRL who are so badass they have nicknames
All Of The Cards That Appeared In The Trailer
Marv Wolfman is rolling in his grave
Which is your favorite Digivice out of the ones below?
Thunder gods gather for Ororo Munroe's 50th anniversary in Storm #7
Help with a comic I read when I was little
What is a good run to start reading Fantastic Four?
Bed time
Is Grundy homophobe?
Wait? Joker is woke now??
Fates worse than death
Codename ideas
To remind you how stupid racists are, this guy bought a killing-nazi machine and brought it to a nazi-party
How do you think the first season will end? I think it's either one of these two scenes, the cliffhanger will be great
Who would you want to come to the game and what would their abilities be?
Beast Boy was so op they had to remove him from Injustice