You have less than a week to make the best comment of the decade! What do you say?
Why dont you dress like a normal girl?
I couldn’t resist. These babies are just beautiful!
I try to commit suicide. Em pushes me to "speed up the process"
What screams "I'm very insecure"?
What was a huge trend that everyone forgot about?
You're Greg, you just finished an 8 hours shift at Walmart and as you leave to your car you run into one of your buddies in the parking lot and he introduce you to an alien. What do you do?
People that keep thier house really tidy, what's your secret?
You are trapped in your most hated persons body, you have 48 hours to ruin their life. You may not kill or be killed. What will you do?
What nice thing will you do for somebody today?
EP wants me to let his kid hold my dog any way he wants
"You're Albino, Those Toddlers Don't Belong To You!" EM Thinks My Friend's Kids Aren't Biologically Hers
Just finished up my Dark Mark this evening. Plenty more of the dark arts to come.
The whole beach wasn’t enough.
Random lady thought my mom kidnapped me because we have different skin tones
EM calls security on my friend because he’s black
EM wants me to stop treating my young adult children as adults.
What’s the stupidest way you’ve hurt yourself?
Non drinkers of Reddit, what do you tell people when they ask "why don't you drink"?
"Stop watching that! My son is not that far yet!!"
What would happen to a pig if it was struck by lightning?
Whats your favorite word ?
What does everyone think the reddit cake tastes like ?
What do you get tired of explaining to people?
You have access to YouTube from the year 2050 for one hour. What do you search for?