Best line/character?
Who should I marry in my new playthrough?
What’s something in Fire Emblem you really want but have basically accepted won’t happen?
Annoyed about wedding event thing
What's The Most Underrated Song in EPIC?
Would You Fall In Love With Me Again....
Cannon Alignment Diagram
A List of All Time
Guys... I've done something
Day 11: Kiss, Marry, Kill (Anticlea, Odysseus, and Hephaestus)
Worst Rune Factory Game
What is that opinion for you?
Those bemoaning Julian's love life seem to have forgotten what we could get up to in RF2.
Gamplay footage of RF GoA including wedding ceremony
Incorrect quote
Who wants to play matchmaker?
Serious question though: why’d they make the Kaguya so pretty?
Possible new fan wants to know what keeps the veterans in love with the series
Which song is this for you?
Which of the marriage candidates are you most interested in? (Part 2: Bachelors)
Which of the marriage candidates are you most interested in? (Part 3: Protags and DLC)
Same-gender romance confirmed in second trailer! (2:20)
Which of the revealed characters for Guardians of Azura is your favorite? (Based on looks)
Musical Lyrics That You Scream Every Time