Quem já foi nesse shopping? Eu morria de medo da estética. Sim, esse sou eu com a camisa do Chaves na foto.
I found these photos I took with my father's camera in 2011 when I was 4 years old
Why doesn't GTA EFLC come with a map?
Some people asked to see the physical map for GTA 4 PS3, so here it is.
Remains preserved XD
Quero achar um Jogo Perdido do Click Jogos
Alguém sabe o nome desse tipo de meme
Quero achar o nome do aplicativo com esse ícone, PC, Windows
Walking around Liberty City while it rains is a unique feeling. Share your experience.
What did Roman do that contributed to you thinking he's a good character?
O que vocês mais gostaram e menos gostaram do ps5?
Niko tries to do the spiderman from america
Quero achar o estilo desse tipo de imagem
What won't we have in GTA 6 that we have in GTA 4?
Sent him flying 😭
Whenever I see this image I imagine Niko saying: SUUUURE!
Will he be in gta 7 ????
out of these three games, which was your favourite?
Who is he? (wrong answers only)
Como organizo a minha área de trabalho parecida com a do Natanael?