What does it mean when you catch a guy staring at you? Is it just a coincidence or does it mean something?
How do I tell a guy (18M), who I don't talk to very much, that I (16F) like him?!?!
What’s the Worst Physical Pain You’ve Ever Experienced?
What’s the best way to ask someone out?
What happens in doctor check ups
What would your six word memoir be?
Update: How do I tell a guy (18M), who I don't talk to very muc, that I (16F) like him?!?!
How old were you when your parents became comfortable swearing around you?
What are things that hurt like a bitch?
What's something you'll never do again?
Scared of rejection
Do I rock the divorced dad look?
Is it worth it?
Lit up but not pulled over?
Parents are mentally abusive
Do you have to pass a physical fittness test before enlisting in the Army?
Am I moving too slow?
What is something you had to learn the hard way?