What’s the story behind this sword?
Why does meth make me want to be a criminal?
What is the real issue here?
Serious question
Tapering or Cold Turkey?
Pass supervised drug test as a female?
Meth make you smell even if you have great hygiene habits?
5 Year Old Obsessed with Pregnancy/Birth?
New series to start??
What medications do you take?
How long does it take to get meth out of your system?
Meth makeup?
So my brother is on probation and he hasnt been tested since february. Is this normal?
Feeling empty and alone?
Self-care on meth?
Who am I?
What is therapy like? Does it actually help?
Can I still turn my life around at 31 after a brutal meth addiction and build a great life?
Negative painful intrusive thoughts
I’m not gonna make it to 25
I wanna try meth
PO said something about early termination of probation and restitution being converted to a civil matter?
Early termination with remaining restitution?
Why would a woman wear a bra to bed at night?
4 month old kitten won’t eat cat food?