Only in Ark will you find the craziest bugs. Armadoggo on follow mode + flyer = this BS.
I need a better phone😭
Is there a way to make babies get more imprint % per cuddle, because 5% per cuddle just sucks (ASA PS5 single player)
Gene Scanner Issue
Good mods for ASE?
Baby pathing wtf?
Mod request: Stat Nerf reverter item for "Giga" type dinos
Help where can I find ovis
Looking for a rex with 10k + health all week
Do you guys have any material grinding songs? if so tell me in the comments and i will add it to the playlist!
Anyone wanna join small tribes na pc
How is it?
Looking for a person to play ark with.
Which Maps have "realistic" dinosaurs?
Why is the game so garbage right now bro
level 145 10 melee :')
After about 20-30 crashes today, this is my biggest complaint about ARK
Should I buy ARK on Steam?
Aberration Map
Apprentice crossbow or Mastercraft bow?
How the h*ll do you get players?