How many people with your first name did you go to school with?
Update on my "too brown" livingroom! Planning on painting the walls and ceiling a dark jungle green. What do you think?
Looking for color recommendations for the door. I hate the green!!!
9 year difference: 2016 (left) to 2025 (right)
Guy I know who “started his own church” (named after himself).
What's the single worst moment in the show's history?
Can’t imaging how hard it must be for her 😢
I have so many questions about this property in Bristol TN
My living room! The rest of my apartment is a bit of a mess/work in progress at the moment, but I’m really happy with these areas.
Epicure stock! Not shocked!
Does H try to talk Meh out of her terrible ideas?
No, no, no...not THOSE artists.
I am laughing at the fact this woman had 7 whole ass children with Alec
Back with another banger
I gave my cousin over $2k worth of baby items. She sold them on fb within hours. What do I do now?
Neil Sean and a big bomb: The UK courts have asked for the original birth certificates of both Lily and Archie for their upcoming security case
Why does she say "I don't know what all this stuff means"?
Daily Beast did not have good things to say about Meghan's latest
Marilyn Monroe
Continuing to add to this space
One of my favorite slow dancing albums. What was yours?
Watch video- senior dog non stop coughing honking all day can't catch breath
help me name my new baby!
McTeague fans?
Oh Come On